What a journey it has been...
I was born and raised in Southern Minnesota, on a 500-acre dairy farm. I visited northern Minnesota several times as a kid, attending church camps and visiting friends' or relatives' cabins. As a kid, I never expected to live here, but here we are.
Last August, my husband and I bought a house just outside of Little Falls, where his job has had him working off and on for the past several years. My son still had a year of high school left, so we lived in two houses for a year, one or the other of us doing the two-hour drive regularly, moving loads of *stuff* (most of which probably should have been thrown away) a little bit at a time, attending my son's final high school events, planning a graduation party, and getting that house ready to sell.
In the midst of all that, I spent as much time as I could exploring my new surroundings with my camera, learning all the back roads and finding both wild and domestic animals to photograph. We live about five minutes from Crane Meadows Wildlife Refuge, which is ideal for a photo geek like me.
In June, with graduation behind us, and everything moved, we finally closed on the house there and were officially back in one house again - and it's fabulous. It still feels almost like a vacation. We love the new house. The yard is gorgeous and perfect for photography, with frequent visits from birds, squirrels, deer, turkeys and other wildlife. The neighborhood is quiet and the neighbors are friendly.
I'm super excited about meeting new people, doing a job I love, and having a space in my home that I can use to create beautiful photographs!
#dreamjob #upnorth #lovinlife #photography #familyportraits #seniorportraits #centralMinnesotaphotographer